Jumaat, 20 Februari 2009

6 more weeks to go......

skoring A+++ is more difficult than i thought....

2 ulasan:

  1. A'kum Da..
    Its not difficult to score A as what you thought. The most important thing is your preparation and confident of yourself. From my view, Da needs ro learn more from your pembimbing and get some tips from her. That's the important key to get A. According to my experience, the pembimbing become our best friend and the relation suppose in a good condition. I hope you can try your best for the next observation. Good luck!

  2. Scoring A+++ is not a major aims in teaching. The important things that how can you handle the class. Try to discuss with someone that can help you in this field not from someone that you feel confortable. You still have time to change something and do your best!
